Title: The Library Date: 2010-08-03 17:48 Author: OSP Category: News Tags: Further reading Slug: the-library Status: published On our (virtual) bookshelves: [![](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/books1-400x298.png "books"){.alignnone .size-medium .wp-image-4879 width="400" height="298"}](http://www.librarything.com/catalog.php?view=LG_lab&collection=-1&shelf=list&sort=title) Download the list as .csv file: [OSP-library\_030810](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/OSP-library_030810.csv) The OSP-library is a modest pile of books that we think is relevant to our practice. Some [we have read](http://www.librarything.nl/catalog.php?view=LG_lab&shelf=list&sort=title&sort=title) and others [we should](http://www.librarything.nl/catalog.php?view=LG_lab&shelf=list&sort=title&sort=title). We'll keep adding titles; suggestions welcome! After testing several ways to catalogue the collection, we settled with LibraryThing for the time being. It's not ideal ... though it is a good project (they allow users to export collections as .csv file (book data, no tags), use multiple sources for bibliographic data and have a sensible privacy policy) the software nor data is under a free license. We tried [Alexandria](http://alexandria.rubyforge.org/) and than exported our booklist as a static html page but the amount of times the software crashed drove us insane. Also it is a bit disappointing that Alexandria almost completely relies on data from amazon.com. A rewrite is on it's way so we are looking forward to that. We most of all want to use , a project initiated by . We like their concept "*a wiki page for each book*" and the site contains a fair amount of information already. For posts on individual books, we started to use [a plugin](http://johnmiedema.ca/portfolio/openbook-wordpress-plugin/) that can pull data from . But we'll need a bit of patience before jumping ship: the team is currently working on adding the indispensable feature that allows us to make lists. And the ability to import data from file would be nice too!