Title: Standards and their Stories Date: 2010-09-01 08:36 Author: Ivan Category: News Tags: Further reading, Standards + Formats, SVG Slug: standards-and-their-stories Status: published I'm looking forward to the stories that may be unfolding these days here at [SVG Open](http://svgopen.org/). \[openbook booknumber="/b/OL16960548M"\] Here are some quotes from chapter 1 of "Standards and their Stories", edited by Martha Lampland and Susan Leigh Star. Among other things, this introductory chapter makes a point for the invisibility and pervasiveness of standards :)
*standards are so pervasive that they have become taken for granted in our everyday environment, they may become completely embedded in everyday tools of use.* *We have to listen to infrastructure and bring imagination to understanding its components and how they work.* *With time, this process can lead to what Callon calls "irreversibility" \[...\] functional irreversibility--what would it take to change the meaning of a red light to "go" and a green light to "stop"?* *The strangeness of infraestructure is not the usual sort of anthropological strangeness \[...\] Infrastructural strangeness is an embedded strangeness, a second-order one, that of the forgotten, the background, the frozen in place.*