Title: This Fall Date: 2010-10-03 13:11 Author: OSP Category: News Tags: exhibition, public appearance, Workshops + teaching Slug: this-fall Status: published ![](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/Screenshot1.png "Screenshot"){.alignnone .size-full .wp-image-4960 width="420" height="111"} This fall @ OSP: - [**Prix Fernand Baudin Prijs Tournée française**](http://www.prixfernandbaudinprijs.be/Public/NewsList.php?ID=3509#m3621) (Paris, Valence, Nancy, Besançon et Amiens 30/09/2010 → 30/01/2011) - Teaching **[Images numériques – Open source – Chaîne (typo)-graphique ouverte](http://www.erg.be/erg/spip.php?article1072&lang=en)** at ERG - Submitted proposal to the [The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)](http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/) to fund a [**Libre Graphics Research Unit**](/lab/wiki) - Thinking about The Praise of Folly and the [Prize of Money](http://www.herdenkingsmunt.nl/) - 06/11 → 12/11: OSP in Tel Aviv to participate in [**Open Sources versus Military Culture?**](http://www.shenkar.ac.il/english/events/events.aspx?eventsId=117) - Getting [Nancy](/nancy) ready for the next edition of MakeArt festival [**In-between design: rediscovering collaboration in digital art**](http://makeart.goto10.org) (Poitiers 04/11 → 07/11) Yes, winter will probably be hot too.