Title: Bon Voyage OSP! Date: 2011-04-01 09:55 Author: OSP Category: News Tags: LGM 2010, LGM 2011, LGM 2012, Libre Fonts, Scribus, Vietnam Slug: bon-voyage-osp Status: published [![](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/open-design.png "open-design"){.alignnone .size-full .wp-image-6053 width="335" height="162"}](http://opendesign.asia) Today 5 OSPs travel to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, to participate in [**Open Design Week**](http://opendesign.asia). Alex, John, Pierre, Pierre and Stéphanie will be touring through the Mekong Delta to meet up with local F/LOSS fans through workshops, presentations and an exhibition. The second week is reserved for an intense work session with the aim to produce a collaborative font between Asian and European participants. This font will be used to produce a publication on-the-spot. **Open Design Week** is initiated by Mario Behling and [Hong Phuc Dang](http://river-valley.tv/media/conferences/lgm2010/0104-Hong-Phuc-Dang/). Hong Phuc came to Brussels in 2010 for the 5th edition of the Libre Graphics Meeting, and hopefully she'll be at LGM 2011 too. *Bon Voyage OSP!*