Title: Gender Art Net - Folding step Date: 2010-04-12 23:42 Author: ludi Category: News, Works Tags: Design Samples, Digital drawing, In the pipeline, Inkscape, Presentations, Printing + Publishing, SVG, Workshops + teaching Slug: gender-art-net-folding-step Status: published ![](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/P1120184-600-400x300.jpg "P1120184-600"){.aligncenter .size-medium .wp-image-4417 width="400" height="300"} [Gender Art Net](http://genderartnet.eu/emerge/) poster is now ready for folding. Project presentation and workshop - Berlin - April 16-17 \_2010 (more coming) 1000 posters - A2 recto black - verso CMYK 1 plis horizontal - 4 zig zag + 1 roulé ![](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/P1120187-600-300x400.jpg "P1120187-600"){.aligncenter .size-medium .wp-image-4418 width="300" height="400"}