Title: Open Revival Date: 2009-02-23 21:55 Author: OSP Category: Type Tags: Contribute!, History, Type Slug: open-revival Status: published ![stephenson-blake\_original\_scan1](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/stephenson-blake_original_scan1.jpg "stephenson-blake_original_scan1"){.alignnone .size-full .wp-image-1958 width="317" height="280"} "*With the written word an absolute fundamental component of daily communication, typography and fonts are vital to providing aesthetic harmony and legibility to our textual works. There are thousands of fonts available, of which only a small number are useful or any good for setting vast quantities of text, and of which an even smaller number are available to be freely distributed and shared.*" **[The Open Baskerville project](http://klepas.org/openbaskerville/)** is an attempt to collaboratively re-create a high quality revival of Baskerville, ultimately available under an Open Font License or GPL. The project has an issue tracker and all font source files are available via a repository. You can add a missing glyph or adjust the kerning; the site at explains in detail how this works, and why the initiators ended up using the 1913 Stephenson, Blake specimen. A suivre! Thanks [nitrofurano](http://nitrofurano.linuxkafe.com/) for reminding us :-)