Title: Watch this thread: Scribus mailinglist Date: 2006-06-17 10:47 Author: Femke Category: Tools Tags: Scribus, Watch this thread Slug: watch-this-thread Status: published The Scribus mailinglist is a good place to start when you want to find out about printing, PDF, typography, color management and everything else related to open source publishing. Developers and other users discuss solutions to problems, but also give background information on why certain technical constraints exist, what licensing issues arise. The Scribus list seems exceptionally generous and has made it its policy to welcome questions on all levels. Some older and newer threads to watch: **Maintaining text with Scribus** Imagine you could connect your desktop publishing software to a weblog or other content management system? Collaboratively edit, and lay out the results in Scribus? Printing publications "on-demand" from your database? If it would be possible to import and export correct xml files, it would be not just large publishing houses that could do such operations. Gregory Pittman shows his python script frameslist.py, and explains what it is capable of and what not. [scribus/2006-June/thread.html\#18471](http://nashi.altmuehlnet.de/pipermail/scribus/2006-June/thread.html#18471) **Scribus in the Art Lab** The use of open source tools in design education is not evident. Some feel it would deprive students of "real life" experience with "what the industry wants", others think it might make students more independent and self-learning. Tutors report on their motivations, methods and problems. [scribus/2006-April/thread.html\#16749](http://nashi.altmuehlnet.de/pipermail/scribus/2006-April/thread.html#16749) **offtopic: microsoft must pay to adobe to include pdf exportcapability** Sometimes issues related to desk top publishing, but not necessarily to Scribus itself are brought up on the list. This is a good way to learn about the politics of (design-)software. Here is the thread on PDF export troubles between Microsoft and Adobe that I reported on last week: [scribus/2006-June/thread.html\#18348](http://nashi.altmuehlnet.de/pipermail/scribus/2006-June/thread.html#18348) **CMYK Processing in open source** One of the issues that is hard to overcome, and returns time and time again on the list, is the problem of CMYK export. This is not a Scribus issue in itself (color separation of graphic elements is no problem; it is a feature missing from image processing softwares), but is obviously frustrating when you are working with pictures in your document. The reasons why and possible (future) solutions are discussed here: [scribus/2006-March/thread.html\#16421](http://nashi.altmuehlnet.de/pipermail/scribus/2006-March/thread.html#16421)