Title: ABCLGM Typographic Workshop Date: 2010-05-27 12:41 Author: OSP Category: News, Type Tags: LGM 2010, Libre Fonts, Workshops + teaching Slug: abclgm-typographic-workshop Status: published ![](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/abc_workshop.jpg "abc_workshop"){.alignright .size-full .wp-image-4549 width="400" height="399"} The people attending this workshop will learn about one way to dissect the shapes of the latin alphabet, and use this theorical model to make a typeface together in a fast paced design game. The game will involve drawing letters on paper, making use of a real life version control system, and uploading the results to the [Open Font Library](http://openfontlibrary.org/). No previous experience of typeface design required. By and with [Dave Crossland](http://understandinglimited.com/) (type designer), [Ludivine Loiseau](%20http://www.ludi.be/) (graphic designer), [Pierre Marchand](oep-h.fr) (font developer) and [Sebastien Sanfilippo](http://typeandgouda.wordpress.com/) (type designer) In the context of [LGM - Libre Graphique Meetings 2010.](http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2010/)