Title: Runny technicolor Date: 2009-05-28 00:55 Author: ludi Category: Live, News Tags: Collaborative, Colors, LGM 2009, Standards + Formats Slug: runny-technicolor Status: published ![Dairy Queen](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/dsc00006-400x300.jpg "dsc00006"){.size-medium .wp-image-2789 width="400" height="300"} Dans le cadre du festival ["Imaginary Property"](http://www.nova-cinema.org/index.php?page=prog/112/cover.en.htm), OSP vous invite au [Nova](http://www.nova-cinema.org/)le jeudi 28 mai 2009 à 19 h. Au programme : le jaune interdit et le rouge bientôt libre, un décodage de morceaux de vie montréalais au [LGM 2009](http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2009/), une projection vers des formats inconnus et un aperçu de montage vidéo en mode texte wiki party avec hacking d'[Active Archives](http://activearchives.org). As a contribution to the [Nova](http://www.nova-cinema.org/) festival [’Imaginary Property’](http://www.nova-cinema.org/index.php?page=prog/112/cover.en.htm), OSP presents a selection of cutting video wiki party, real life [LGM 2009 Montreal](http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2009/), instructional videos, live-drawing-from-far, interviews, color and colour clips, digital slide shows and other moving material for the screen. While serving Canadian cocktails, they’ll browse through some or their adventures in free software, open content licensing and collaborative work.