Title: Crash test: Travail mobile Date: 2006-09-13 09:30 Author: Femke Category: Works Tags: Inkscape, Printing + Publishing Slug: crash-test-travail-mobile Status: published ![travail\_screen.jpg](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/travail_screen.jpg){#image126} Lay-out in Scribus [Download low-res PDF](http://www.geuzen.org/download/travail_low.pdf) Finished! Sketched and produced a seven page contribution to [Open](http://www.skor.nl/set-635-nl.html?lang=en) (Dutch bi-monthly on art in public space) + inside cover. Images were prepared in Gimp; pattern assembled in Inkskape and document lay-out in Scribus (v1.3.3.2); all on Ubuntu. - Importing outlines from Gimp, re-using them with multiple images / layers in Inkskape: flawless; selection editor + svg export in Gimp works well with vector options in Inkskape. Had some problems with transparency in PDF-export from Inkskape. - EPS export from Scribus, after a few trials and errors flawless too; including transparency of layers. - Lack of interaction with EPS-export is frustrating; default is to crop the document along its margins so all you can do is set margins to zero before export. - EPS can only export one page at the time... - Bleed is automatically cut off on export too, but making the document 3mm larger on each side, is a quick workaround.