Title: Relearn 2015 Date: 2015-06-28 17:36 Author: Colm Category: Live, News Tags: Culture of work, Education, relearn, relearn-2015, summer-school, Tools, Workshops + teaching Slug: relearn-2015 Status: published Relearn is back for 2015! ![](http://www.ralphmag.org/1/bosch-duck-fan281x233.gif){.alignnone width="281" height="233"} We're very happy to see the summer school continue and morph into a new being again this year, with a new set of people taking care of the organization. Quick recap: OSP set up the first edition of Relearn in 2013. In 2014, Relearn was a jointed venture with all the Variable labs taking part, just before we had to vacate the house. This time, there are no immediate ties between the organizers, yet there is a very solid body of exciting and able people taking care of this summer's school. This year, we go to [Zinneke](http://www.zinneke.org/Plan-d-acces?lang=fr), to broaden our horizons. You can read all about the selected tracks on [relearn.be/2015/](http://relearn.be/2015/) and peruse through the archives for [/2014/](http://relearn.be/2014/) and [/2013/](http://relearn.be/2013/) **!Applications close on the 1st of July!** See you there?