Title: OSP ASBL VZW Celebration Print Party Date: 2015-05-28 11:51 Author: Colm Category: News Slug: osp-asbl-vzw-celebration-print-party Status: published We are happy to announce an OSP ASBL/VZW\* celebration evening and Print Party. [![osp\_asbl-vzw\_party](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/osp_asbl-vzw_party-395x400.jpg){.alignnone .size-medium .wp-image-7370 width="395" height="400"}](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/osp_asbl-vzw_party.jpg) Back from our yearly travel to the Libre Graphics Meeting, full of Toronto stories, and soon to be tattooed with a VAT number, OSP welcomes you in their transit tavern. Join us in cutting, plotting and browsing recent works. Come to celebrate the launch of our association with us, and visit our Schaerbeek studio before the caravan moves on! [![IMG\_5245](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/IMG_5245-400x225.jpg){.alignnone .size-medium .wp-image-7371 width="400" height="225"}](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/IMG_5245.jpg) *De retour de notre voyage annuel aux Libre Graphics Meeting, avec quelques expressions torontoises à partager et bientôt un numéro de TVA à se faire tatouer, OSP vous accueille dans sa taverne de transit. Rejoignez-nous pour découper, plotter et feuilleter nos récents travaux. Venez fêter le lancement de l'asbl, et visiter notre studio de Schaerbeek avant que la caravane ne se déplace à nouveau!* ![](http://www.ludi.be/DSCF8722.JPG){.aligncenter width="100%" height="auto"} 19:00 → 21:00 Machines launch + crackers 21:00 → 22:00 Dancing Guests: Roland, Océane, Cameo. **OSP asbl/vzw Print Party Thursday May 28, 19:00 — 22:00** Avenue Princesse Elisabethlaan, 46 1030 Schaarbeek [![IMG\_20150528\_103258](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/IMG_20150528_103258-297x400.jpg){.alignnone .size-medium .wp-image-7372 width="297" height="400"}](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/IMG_20150528_103258.jpg) \* ASBL/VZW is the Belgian form of non-profit association that we have chosen as the legal structure for Open Source Publising. The general assembly will officialy create the entity, as we will vote on the following statutes: http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/tsv\_pdf/2015/03/06/15303974.pdf (French) http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/tsv\_pdf/2015/03/06/15303975.pdf (Dutch)