Title: I want a green apple Date: 2006-12-11 01:58 Author: Femke Category: News Tags: Hardware Slug: i-want-a-green-apple Status: published Well, technically not open-source related... but I think this campaign deserves all designers' attention. In a nice mock of Apple's iLife design + writing, Greenpeace reminds us that not all that is wireless comes without footprint. Calling all bloggers, taggers, social bookmarkers and other *cool* people to the rescue, Greenpeace thinks they might convince Apple to change their policy on toxic waste, production and short product cycle: [![apple150x60.jpg](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/apple150x60.jpg){#image161}](http://www.greenmyapple.org/) [**http://www.greenmyapple.org/**](http://www.greenmyapple.org/) More in-depth information on computers and toxic waste by the [Sillicon Valley Toxic Waste Coalition](http://svtc.etoxics.org/).