\version "2.10.0" \paper { #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree "Ume P Gothic Balsa" "Ume P Mincho" "Ume Mincho Balsa" (/ staff-height pt 20))) } \header { dedication = \markup \center-align {"dedicated to Miss Eva Waldence Hedge" " "} title = \markup \center-align { "The Dying Swan" " " } mutopiatitle = "The Dying Swan" subtitle = "La mort du cygne" %instrument = "piano" subsubtitle = \markup {\italic "(Romance poétique)"} composer = \markup \center-align { "Louis Moreau Gottschalk" \small "(1829-1869)" " " "Opus 100-Ro 076"} mutopiaopus = "Op. 100" mutopiainstrument= "Piano" mutopiacomposer= "GottschalkLM" style="Romantic" maintainer = "Anonymous" maintainerEmail = "music@edso.fr" maintainerWeb = "http://www.gottschalk.fr" source = "Kunkel Brothers, 1870" copyright = "Public Domain" footer = "Mutopia-2007/03/29-942" tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-align { \small \line { Sheet music from \with-url #"http://www.MutopiaProject.org" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 MutopiaProject \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org \hspace #0.5 } • \hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to distribute, modify and perform. } \line { \small \line { Typeset using \with-url #"http://www.LilyPond.org" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 LilyPond \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org } by \maintainer \hspace #-1.0 . \hspace #0.5 Reference: \footer } } \line { \teeny \line { This sheet music has been placed in the public domain by the typesetter, for details see: \hspace #-0.5 \with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain } } } } } \include "italiano.ly" \paper { %after-title-space=60\mm system-count=23 bottom-margin=2 ragged-last-bottom = ##f } stemExtend = \once \override Stem #'length = #22 noFlag = \once \override Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag ct = { \override Staff.Clef #'transparent = ##t } cf = { \override Staff.Clef #'transparent = ##f } tnt = { \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t } tnf = { \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##f } tbt = { \override TupletBracket #'transparent = ##t } tst = { \override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t } tsf = { \override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##f } kst = { \override Staff.KeySignature #'transparent = ##t } ksf = { \override Staff.KeySignature #'transparent = ##f } \score { << << %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ossia %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \new Staff \with { fontSize = #-4 \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -3) } { \stopStaff \ct \tst \kst \key sol \minor \skip 2*85 \skip 4 \override Staff.BarLine #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible \startStaff \ksf \cf \tsf << { do'''8\rest^\markup {\hspace #0 \raise #1.5 "ossia"} #(set-octavation 1) \stemDown sol'''64^\markup {\hspace #0 \raise #4.5 "scintillante"}_([lab''' la''' sib''' do'''' sib''' sol''' mib''']) sol''''8-. r #(set-octavation 0) do'''8\rest #(set-octavation 1) sol'''64_([lab''' la''' sib''' do'''' sib''' fa''' re''']) fa''''8-. r #(set-octavation 0) do'''8\rest#(set-octavation 1) \times 4/7 {\stemDown mib'''32_([mi''' fa''' fad''' sol''' mib''' do'''])} mib''''8-. r8 #(set-octavation 0) do'''8\rest #(set-octavation 1) \times 8/9 {re'''64_([mib''' mi''' fa''' fad''' sol''' fad''' re''' la''])} re''''8-. #(set-octavation 0) } \\ {\stemUp 2 2 2 2} >> \stopStaff \ct \tst \skip 2*4 \override Staff.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible \break \startStaff \cf \tsf << { do'''8\rest#(set-octavation 1) \stemDown sol'''64^\markup {\hspace #0 \raise #4.5 "scintillante"}_([lab''' la''' sib''' do'''' sib''' sol''' mib''']) sol''''8-. r8 #(set-octavation 0) do'''8\rest#(set-octavation 1) sol'''64_([lab''' la''' sib''' do'''' sib''' fa''' re''']) fa''''8-. r8 #(set-octavation 0) do'''8\rest#(set-octavation 1) \times 4/7 {\stemDown mib'''32_([mi''' fa''' fad''' sol''' mib''' do'''])} mib''''8-. r8 #(set-octavation 0) do'''8\rest#(set-octavation 1) \times 8/9 {re'''64_([mib''' mi''' fa''' fad''' sol''' fad''' re''' la''])} re''''8-. #(set-octavation 0) } \\ {\stemUp 2 2_" " 2_" " 2_" "} \stopStaff >> } >> \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "up" { %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % RH %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \clef treble \key sol \minor \time 4/4 2^"Andante"\arpeggio\p 2\arpeggio 2\arpeggio\fermata~ 4 r s1_"Ben cantanto" re'2 mib'4..-> mib'16 s1 s1 #(set-octavation 1) 2\arpeggio\pp 4\arpeggio\< \arpeggio\! 2\arpeggio~ 4 #(set-octavation 0) r s4\p ^"M.G." s4 s s s4\f s s4_"legato" << {\arpeggio\pp } \\ {sol''2 s4} >> s4 s4 s s s4\f s s\p << {\arpeggio \arpeggio} \\ {\arpeggio \arpeggio} >> r4 << {r4 r4 r r } \\ {sol'2\mf fa'2 mib'2 re'2} >> r8 \< []\! [] \> 4\! 8 4\<~8\! r8 << {r4 r4 r r } \\ {sol'2 fa'2 mib'2 re'2} >> \clef bass r8 \< []\! [\> \!] _"rit." 4 8 \bar "||" \key sol \major \time 3/4 % \clef treble \cadenzaOff #(set-octavation 1) 4^\markup {\hspace #0 \raise #3.5 "Lento con expressione."}\p\arpeggio \arpeggio \arpeggio #(set-octavation 0) \bar "|" \cadenzaOff 4..\arpeggio 16 4 #(set-octavation 1) 4\arpeggio \arpeggio \arpeggio #(set-octavation 0) 4..\arpeggio 16 4 \tnt \times 2/3 {\override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #3 si'8^\< [do'' dod'']} \appoggiatura {re''16 [mi'']} \times 2/3 {re''8 [dod'' re'']} \acciaccatura re'' \times 2/3 {si''-_ [la''-_ sol''-_]\!} \appoggiatura {fad''16 [sol'' la'']} sol''2-> fad''4 \tbt \times 2/3 {r8 [\( ]}{\acciaccatura re'' }\times 2/3 {[]\)} 16 [8 16] 4 #(set-octavation 1)\times 2/3 {r8 []} \times 2/3 {\stemUp } 4\mf\arpeggio \arpeggio \arpeggio #(set-octavation 0) 4..\arpeggio 16 4 #(set-octavation 1)4\arpeggio \arpeggio \arpeggio #(set-octavation 0) 4..\arpeggio 16 4 4\p #(set-octavation 1) \times 2/3 {(8)} \times 2/3 {4 8} \times 2/3 { >4_"poco rall." (8)} #(set-octavation 0) r4 r4 #(set-octavation 1)\times 2/3 { >( >8)}#(set-octavation 0) r4 r4 \bar "||" \key sol \minor \time 4/4 \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbol = #'time-signature \mark \markup {\hspace #0 \raise #3.5 "Tempo Primo"} s4_\markup {\hspace #0 \raise #-2.5 " Ben cantanto"}\p ^"M.G." s4 << {s -. s -.} \\ {s s } >> s\f \override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #1 \< s\! s4_"legato" << {\arpeggio\p } \\ {sol''2 s4} >> s4 s4 << {s -. s -.} \\ {s s } >> s\f \override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #1 \< s\! s\p << {-.\arpeggio -.\arpeggio} \\ {\arpeggio \arpeggio} >> r4 \pageBreak << {r4 ^\mf << {} \\ {} >> r4 << {} \\ {} >>} \\ {2_"sostenuto" 2} >> \noBreak << {r4 << {} \\ {} >> r4 << {\stemDown } \\ {\stemUp } >>} \\ {\stemUp 2 \stemUp re'} >> \noBreak r8 \stemDown _"poco cresc." [][] \noBreak 4_> 8 2 \break << {r4 << {} \\ {} >> r4 << {} \\ {} >>} \\ {2 2} >> \noBreak << {r4 << {} \\ {} >> r4 << {\stemDown } \\ {\stemUp } >>} \\ {\stemUp 2 \stemUp re'} >> \noBreak r8 _"poco cresc." [][] \noBreak 4. 8 \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible \bar "||" \key sol\major \time 3/4 \cadenzaOff \break \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbol = #'time-signature \mark \markup {\hspace #0 \raise #4.5 "Dolce"} #(set-octavation 1) 4\arpeggio \arpeggio \arpeggio #(set-octavation 0) \bar "|" \cadenzaOff 4..\arpeggio 16 4 #(set-octavation 1) 4\arpeggio \arpeggio \arpeggio #(set-octavation 0) 4..\arpeggio 16 4\arpeggio \break \tbt \times 2/3 {\override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #3 si'8^\< [do'' dod'']} \appoggiatura {re''16 [mi'']} \times 2/3 {re''8 [dod'' re'']} \times 2/3 {\stemDown si''-_\! [la''-_ sol''-_]} \appoggiatura {fad''16 [sol'' la'']} sol''2^^ fad''4 \times 2/3 {\override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #3 mi'8\p^\< [fa' fad']} \times 2/3 {sol' [si' do''\!]} \appoggiatura {do''16 [re'']} \times 2/3 {\stemDown mi''8-. [re''-. do''-.]} \pageBreak do''2 si'4 \times 2/3 {mi'8 ([fad' sold']} \times 2/3 {la' [si' do''])} \times 2/3 {\stemDown red''^\< [fad''8. mi''16\!] } mi''2 re''4 \times 2/3 {\override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #1 8\f\> [ \!]} \times 2/3 {[]} \stemDown \times 2/3 {si'^\< 8.\! \change Staff = down \stemUp \clef treble < do' la'>16} \change Staff = up #(set-octavation 1) 4\p\arpeggio \arpeggio \arpeggio #(set-octavation 0) 4..\arpeggio 16 4 4\pp\arpeggio \arpeggio \arpeggio 4..\arpeggio 16 4\arpeggio si'_"lento cresc."^\< ~\times 2/3 {si'8\! [(sol' ]} \times 2/3 {\stemUp [ \change Staff = down \stemUp sol])} \change Staff = up s2 \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t 4\p\arpeggio \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##f 2\arpeggio #(set-octavation 1) 4\pp\arpeggio 4_"Fine"\arpeggio #(set-octavation 0) r2 \bar "||" } \new Staff = "down" { %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % LH %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \clef treble \key sol \minor \time 4/4 2\arpeggio 2\arpeggio 2\arpeggio\fermata~ 4 r \clef bass << {sol la8 [sib] do' \times 2/3 {do'16 re' do'} sib8 [la]} \\ {sol,4 la,8 [sib,] do \times 2/3 {do16 re do} sib,8 [la,]} >> re2 mib4..-> mib16 << { fad2 sol4.. sol16 re1 } \\ { fad,2 sol,4.. sol,16 re,1} >> \clef treble 2\arpeggio 4\arpeggio 4\arpeggio 2\arpeggio~ 4 r \clef bass << { sol la8 [sib^\markup {\hspace#0 \raise#1.2 "cantabile e doloroso"}] do' \times 2/3 {do'16 re' do'} sib8 [la] re'2 sol r8 la [sib do'] do' \times 2/3 {do'16 re' do'} sib8 [la] sib8 r8 } \\ { sol,4 s4 sol, s sol, s mib, s do, s re, s sol,} >> \clef treble sib' la' \clef bass << { sol la8 [sib] do' \times 2/3 {do'16 re' do'} sib8 [la] re'2 sol r8 la [sib do'] do' \times 2/3 {do'16 re' do'} sib8 [la] sol4 s2 r4 } \\ { sol,4 s4 sol, s sol, s mib, s do, s re, s sol, s2 s4} >> mib, sib,, do, re, sol, sol do, re, re sol,, mib, sib,, do, re, sol,, sol, do,, do, re,, re, \key sol \major \tnt \tbt \times 2/3 {sol,8 [(si re']} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si]} \times 2/3 {sol' [dod' lad])} \times 2/3 {sol,8 [(si re']} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si]} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si])} \times 2/3 {sol,8 [(si re']} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si]} \times 2/3 {sol' [dod' lad])} \times 2/3 {sol,8 [(si re']} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si]} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si])} \times 2/3 {sol,8 [(si re']} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si]} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si])} \times 2/3 { [(do' re']} \times 2/3 {fad' [re' do']} \times 2/3 {fad' [re' do'])} \times 2/3 {re,8 [(do' re']} \times 2/3 {fad' [re' do']} fad'4) \times 2/3 {sol,8 [(si re']} sol'4) r4 \times 2/3 {8 [(si re']} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si]} \times 2/3 {sol' [mi' do'])} \times 2/3 {sol,8 [(si re']} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si]} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si])} \times 2/3 {mi,8 [(si mi']} \times 2/3 {sol' [mi' si]} \times 2/3 {sol' [mi' si])} \times 2/3 {si,8 [(fad si]} \times 2/3 {red' [si fad]} \times 2/3 {red' [si fad])} \times 2/3 {8 [(do' re']} \times 2/3 {fad' [re' do']} \times 2/3 {fad' [re' do'])} \times 2/3 {8 [(sib re']} \clef treble \times 2/3 {sol' [sib' re'']} sol''4) \clef bass \times 2/3 {re,8 [(la do']} \clef treble \times 2/3 {re' [fad' la']} re''4) \bar "||" \key sol \minor \time 4/4 \clef bass << { sol la8 [sib] do' \times 2/3 {do'16 re' do'} sib8 [la] re'2 sol r8 la [sib do'] do' \times 2/3 {do'16 re' do'} sib8 [la] sib8 r8 } \\ { sol,4 s4 sol, s sol, s mib, s do, s re, s sol,} >> \clef treble sib' la' \clef bass << { sol la8 [sib] do' \times 2/3 {do'16 re' do'} sib8 [la] re'2 sol r8 la [sib do'] do' \times 2/3 {do'16 re' do'} sib8 [la] sol4 s2 r4 } \\ { sol,4 s4 sol, s sol, s mib, s do, s re, s sol, s2 s4} >> 4 s s << {\stemExtend 2 \stemExtend \noFlag 2} \\ {4 s s} >> sol, do re sol, 4 s s << {\stemExtend 2 \stemExtend \noFlag 2} \\ {4 s s} >> sol, do, <<{re,8 s}\\{re,8 [re']}>> re'4^^ \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible \key sol\major \times 2/3 {sol,8 [(si re']} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si]} \times 2/3 {sol' [dod' lad])} \times 2/3 {sol,8 [(si re']} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si]} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si])} \times 2/3 {sol,8 [(si re']} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si]} \times 2/3 {sol' [dod' lad])} \times 2/3 {sol,8 [(si re']} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si]} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si])} \times 2/3 {sol,8 [(si re']} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si]} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si])} \times 2/3 {sol,8 [(la si]} \times 2/3 {red' [si la]} \times 2/3 {red' [si la])} \times 2/3 {do,8 [(sol do']} \times 2/3 {mi' [do' sol]} \times 2/3 {mi' [do' sol])} \times 2/3 {mi,8 [(re' fa')]} \times 2/3 {sold [(re' mi')]} \times 2/3 {mi [(re' mi')]} \times 2/3 {la,8^\< [(la do')]} \times 2/3 {mi' [(do' la\!)]} \times 2/3 {la' [(mi' do')]} \times 2/3 {re8 [(sol si]} \times 2/3 {re' [si sol]} \times 2/3 {sol' [re' si])} \times 2/3 {re, [(la do']} mib'4) \stemDown re,8 re\fermata <<{4 s }\\{\times 2/3 {sol8 [(re' sol']} \times 2/3 {si' [sol' re'])}}>> si'4 \times 2/3 {sol8 ([re' fad']} \times 2/3 {do'' [fad' re')]} do''4 \clef bass \times 2/3 {sol,8 ([re sol]} \times 2/3 {si [sol re)]} dod4 \times 2/3 {sol,8 [re fad]} \times 2/3 {do' [fad re]} do'4 \times 2/3 {sol,8^\f ([re sol]} \times 2/3 {si4-.) r8} \times 2/3 {r4 \stemDown mi8} <<{2}\\{}>> 4\arpeggio 2\arpeggio \clef treble 4\arpeggio 4\arpeggio \clef bass \acciaccatura sol, sol,,2 \bar "||" } >> >> \layout {} \midi {} }